Celebrate GW

Join the university for Celebrate GW, a series of events that begins with the university’s birthday, Charter Day, and ends with Washington’s Birthday on February 22.  Events will highlight university life, recognize the contributions of George Washington, and include GWPalooza, our own GW Revolutionaries’ version of Homecoming.  Raise High!

Schedule of Events

February 10

February 18

Washington’s Birthday Celebration

  Columbian Square
  11:30 am - 1:00 pm on February 18

Join George as we celebrate his 293rd birthday with cupcakes, prizes, and treats.

February 21

Amazing Race (part of GW Palooza)

  Lerner Health and Wellness Center
  2:00 - 5:00 pm on February 21

Teams of students will "race" through games and tasks to win prizes.

GW Crown (part of GW Palooza)

  Flagg Auditorium
  6:00 - 7:00 pm on February 21

A campus wide talent show open to any student.  The winner gets funding for the student org of their choice.

February 22

  Event Spotlight: Visit to George Washington’s Mount Vernon

  Alexandria, Virginia
  11:30 am - 4:00 pm on February 22

Visit George Washington’s historic Mount Vernon estate in Alexandria, Virginia!  Trip includes free round-trip transportation from campus, a complimentary lunch, behind-the-scenes tour of the mansion (including spaces usually closed to the public), wreath-laying ceremonies at the Slave Memorial and Washington’s Tomb, and some birthday swag.

Space is limited, registration required.

RSVP: Visit to George Washington's Mount Vernon

Birthday Celebration in the Dining Halls

  All Dining Halls on February 22

GW Dining celebrates Washington’s Birthday with birthday cake in all dining halls!

George's Birthday Tailgate (part of GW Palooza)

  G Street Park
  3:30 pm on February 22

Let them eat (birthday) cake!  Celebrate George Washington’s birthday with George’s Army and free food and fun for fans prior to the men’s basketball game.

Men’s Basketball v. Massachusetts

  Charles E. Smith Center
  Tipoff at 6:00 pm on February 22

Cheer on the GW Revolutionaries with birthday hats, giveaways, and halftime prizes.  Free admission for students with a valid GWorld card.

February 23

Women’s Basketball v. Davidson

  Charles E. Smith Center.
  2:00 pm on February 23

Cheer on the GW Revolutionaries with birthday hats, giveaways, and halftime prizes.

Did You Know?

February’s federal holiday is officially known as Washington’s Birthday though it will never fall on his birthday, February 22.  Section 6103(a) of title 5 of the United States Code designates the 3rd Monday of February for the holiday.

George Washington was unanimously elected (twice!) as president of the United States.

The idea of a university “established within the limits of the District of Columbia” was proposed by George Washington and he bequeathed funds to help establish it.

Three students were in the university’s first graduating class in 1824.  The Marquis de Lafayette, general and hero of the American Revolution, attended the ceremony.

Every year since 1896, the Senate has observed Washington's birthday by selecting one of its members, alternating parties, to read his 7,641-word farewell address in legislative session.  In 1982 it was read by Senator Daniel Inouye, J.D. ’52, HON ’08.

GW is one of six universities chartered by Congress and it was named the Columbia College when it was established in 1821.