
Events & Venues manages several event spaces across the George Washington University campus. From meeting spaces and conference rooms to theaters and reception spaces, there are many options to choose from for your next event.


Event with student audience and guest speaker

City View Room

The City View Room is a customizable space featuring sweeping views of the nation's capitol's landmarks.

State Room with empty seats in a fixed u shape

State Room

The State Room is a fixed U-Shape set up and windows that showcase the picturesque view of the monuments and the National Mall.

Lisner Auditorium empty red theater style seats

Lisner Auditorium 

An anchor for arts and culture at the George Washington University, Lisner Auditorium hosts world class events.


Jack Morton Auditorium with empty seats and GW logo on stage screens

Jack Morton Auditorium

The auditorium offers full TV production capability, digital sound and video recording and video conferencing. 

Milken Buidling

Other Campus Venues

Visit the GW Venues website to explore other GW campus event venues.